List of people known as the Mad

The Mad is an epithet applied to:

See also

  • Antiochus IV Epiphanes (c. 215 BC–164 BC), ruler of the Seleucid Empire sometimes called Epimanes ("the mad one")
  • Al-Hakim bi-Amr Allah (996–1021), called the Mad Caliph in Western literature
  • Odo I, Count of Vermandois, Count of Vermanois from 1080 to 1085, called "the Insane"
  • George III (1738–1820), King of Great Britain and of Ireland, called the Mad King
  • Mad King Ludwig II of Bavaria (1845–1886)
  • Norman the Lunatic, a ring name of Mike Shaw (1957–2010), American professional wrestler
  • Dagur the Deranged, a character in the animated television series DreamWorks Dragons