
Period of geologic time

The Tinguirirican (Spanish: Tinguiririquense) age is a period of geologic time (36.0–29.0 Ma) within the Late Eocene and Early Oligocene epochs of the Paleogene, used more specifically within the SALMA classification in South America. It follows the Divisaderan and precedes the Deseadan age.[1]


The age is named after the Tinguiririca fauna of the Abanico Formation in Chile.


Tinguirirican is located in South America
Locations of Tinguirirican formations
bold is type
Country Basin Notes
Abanico Formation - Tinguiririca fauna  Chile Abanico Basin
Chota Formation  Peru Bagua Basin
Entre-Córregos Formation  Brazil Aiuruoca Basin
Gualanday Group  Colombia Central Colombian Ranges
Laguna Brava Formation  Argentina Precordillera
Loreto Formation  Chile Magallanes Basin
El Milagro Formation  Peru Bagua Basin
Otuma Formation  Peru Pisco Basin
Sarmiento Formation  Argentina Golfo San Jorge Basin
Seca Formation  Ecuador Progreso Basin
Soncco Formation  Peru Eastern Peruvian Andes


Group Fossils Formation Notes
Mammals Andemys frassinettii, A. termasi, Archaeotypotherium pattersoni, A. tinguiriricaense, Barrancatatus tinguiririquensis, Bryanpattersonia sulcidens, Chilestylops davidsoni, Eomorphippus bondi, E. neilopdykei, Eomorphippus cf. pascuali, Eoviscaccia frassinettii, Johnbell hatcheri, Klohnia charrieri, Kramadolops abanicoi, K. mckennai, Periphragnis vicentei, Pseudhyrax eutrachytheroides, P. strangulatus, Pseudoglyptodon chilensis, Santiagorothia chiliensis, Termastherium flacoensis, Trigonolophodon cf. elegans, Rhyphodon sp., Astrapotheria indet., ?Borhyaenidae indet., Indaleciinae indet., Notohippidae indet., Tardigrada indet. Abanico
Baguatherium jaureguii El Milagro
Colombitherium tolimense Gualanday
Cynthiacetus peruvianus, Basilosauridae indet. Otuma
Anisotemnus distentus, Archaeotypotherium propheticus, Barrancatatus maddeni, B. rigidus, Bryanpattersonia sulcidens, Canchadelphys cristata, Clenia brevis, Eomicrobiotherium matutinum, Eomorphippus obscurus, E. pascuali, Eopachyrucos pliciferus, E. pliciformis, Hondonadia praecipitia, H. pumila, Hondonadia cf. fierroensis, Klohnia major, Kramadolops fissuratus, Leontinia ?gaudryi, Machlydotherium ater, Meteutatus percarinatus, Parutaetus chilensis, Peltephilus undulatus, Periakros ambiguus, Pilchenia antiqua, Praedens aberrans, Proargyrohyrax curanderensis, Pseudhyrax ?eutrachytheroides, Pseudoglyptodon cf. chilensis, Rhynchippus pumilus, Rosendolops ebaios, Sadypus minutus, S. aff. confluens, Santiagorothia chiliensis, Archaeutatus sp., Guilielmoscottia sp., Microbiotherium sp., Pleurostylodon sp., Proargyrohyrax sp., Prozaedyus sp., Puelia sp., Glyptatelinae indet., Hathlyacininae indet., Hegetotheriidae indet., Isotemnidae indet., Notohippidae indet., ?Pichipilidae indet., Proterotheriidae indet., Sternbergiidae indet., Stegotheriini indet. Sarmiento
Birds Icadyptes salasi, Inkayacu paracasensis, Spheniscidae indet. Otuma
Gruipeda dominguensis (ichnofossil) Laguna
Reptiles Pterosphenus sheppardi Seca
Fishes Engraulis sp., Sardinops sp. Otuma
Insects Aiuruocatermes piovezanae, Cenomycetophila mineira Entre-Corrégos


Tinguirirican correlations in South America
Formation Abanico Otuma El Milagro Seca Gualanday Entre-Córregos Sarmiento Map
Basin Abanico Pisco Bagua Progreso Central Ranges Aiuruoca Golfo San Jorge
Tinguirirican is located in South America
Tinguirirican (South America)
Country  Chile  Peru  Ecuador  Colombia  Brazil  Argentina
Environments Alluvial Shallow marine Fluvial Open marine Alluvial-fluvial Lacustrine Fluvio-deltaic
Tinguirirican volcanoclastics

Tinguirirican fauna

Tinguirirican insects
Volcanic Yes Yes


  1. ^ Paleo Database: Tinguirirican
  2. ^ Godoy et al., 2012
  3. ^ Muñoz et al., 2006
  4. ^ Chacaltana et al., 2015, p.2
  5. ^ Castro Medina, 2010, p.53
  6. ^ Gonçalves Pereira, 2015, p.124
  7. ^ Billet et al., 2010
  8. ^ Vizan et al., 2013
  9. ^ Otero et al., 2012
  10. ^ Castro Medina, 2010, p.56
  11. ^ De la Cruz, 2008, p.53
  12. ^ Solíz Mundaca, 2018, p.12
  13. ^ Dozo et al., 2014, p.241
  14. ^ Acosta & Tambussi, 2005, p.128
  15. ^ Lorenzo et al., 2018, p.34
  16. ^ Carlotto, 2016, p.522
  17. ^ Wyss et al., 2018
  18. ^ Bradham et al., 2015
  19. ^ Bertrand et al., 2012
  20. ^ Tinguiririca Locality Sets 1 & 2 at Fossilworks.org
  21. ^ Cachapoal at Fossilworks.org
  22. ^ ELM 4, 1.5 km northwest of Esperanza at Fossilworks.org
  23. ^ Billet et al., 2010, p.324
  24. ^ Paracas Bay at Fossilworks.org
  25. ^ Archaeocete Valley, Otuma, AV-10 at Fossilworks.org
  26. ^ La Cancha at Fossilworks.org
  27. ^ Barrancas Blancas at Fossilworks.org
  28. ^ Gran Barranca faunule 16 at Fossilworks.org
  29. ^ Gran Barranca faunule 17 at Fossilworks.org
  30. ^ Ullujaya Valley at Fossilworks.org
  31. ^ Bajada del Diablo at Fossilworks.org
  32. ^ a b Paracas Reserve at Fossilworks.org
  33. ^ Quebrada de Santa Domingo at Fossilworks.org
  34. ^ Ancon Pterosphenus sheppardi type locality at Fossilworks.org
  35. ^ Aiuruoca municipality at Fossilworks.org


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Woodburne, M.O.; F.J. Goin; M. Bond; A.A. Carlini; J.N. Gelfo; G.M. López; A. Iglesias, and A.N. Zimicz. 2013. Paleogene Land Mammal Faunas of South America; a Response to Global Climatic Changes and Indigenous Floral Diversity. Journal of Mammalian Evolution 21. 1–73. Accessed 2019-02-15.

Abanico Formation
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Bertrand, Ornella C.; John J. Flynn; Darin A. Croft, and André R. Wyss. 2012. Two new taxa (Caviomorpha, Rodentia) from the early Oligocene Tinguiririca fauna (Chile). American Museum Novitates 3750. 1–36. Accessed 2019-02-15.

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Bradham, Jennifer; John J. Flynn; Darin A. Croft, and Andre R. Wyss. 2015. New notoungulates (Notostylopidae and basal toxodontians) from the early Oligocene Tinguiririca fauna of the Andean Main Range, central Chile. American Museum Novitates 3841. 1–24. Accessed 2019-02-13.

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Croft, Darin A.; John J. Flynn, and André R. Wyss. 2008. The Tinguiririca fauna of Chile and the early stages of "modernization" of South American mammal faunas. Arquivos do Museu Nacional, Rio de Janeiro 66. 191–211. Accessed 2019-02-12.

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Engelman, Russell K.; John J. Flynn; Philip Gans; André R. Wyss, and Darin A. Croft. 2018. Chlorocyon phantasma, a late Eocene borhyaenoid (Mammalia, Metatheria, Sparassodonta) from the Los Helados locality, Andean Main Range, central Chile. American Museum Novitates 3918. 1–22. Accessed 2019-02-11.

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Godoy, Estanislao. 2012. Sobre el variable marco geotectónico de las formaciones Abanico y Farellones y sus equivalentes al sur de los 35°LS. Revista de la Asociación Geológica Argentina 69. 570–577. Accessed 2017-08-15.

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Muñoz, Marcia; Francisco Fuentes; Mario Vergara; Luis Aguirre; Jan Olov Nyström; Gilbert Féraud, and Alain Demant. 2006. Abanico East Formation: petrology and geochemistry of volcanic rocks behind the Cenozoic arc front in the Andean Cordillera, central Chile (33°50'S). Revista Geológica de Chile 33. 109–140. Accessed 2017-08-15.

Chota Formation
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Chacaltana, César; Alexandra Lucytania Benites Cañote; Waldir Valdivia, and Marco Chumpitaz. 2014. La formación Chota en la Cuenca Bagua: Evaluación e implicancias del criterio de clasificación litoestratigráfico, 1–4. Congreso Peruano de Geología. Accessed 2017-08-15.

Entre-Córregos Formation
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Pereira, Karoline Gonçalves. 2015. Mirtáceas da formação Entre-Corrégos, paleógeno da bacia de Aiuruoca, Estado de Minas Gerais, Brasil (MSc. thesis), 1–139. Universidade Guarulhos. Accessed 2017-08-15.

Gualanday Group
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Billet, Guillaume; Maëva Orliac; Pierre-Olivier Antoine, and Carlos Jaramillo. 2010. New observations and reinterpretation on the enigmatic taxon Colombitherium (?Pyrotheria, Mammalia) from Colombia. Palaeontology 59. 319–325. Accessed 2017-05-17.

Laguna Brava Formation
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Vizán, H.; S. Geuna; R. Melchor; E.S. Bellosi; S.L. Lagorio; C. Vásquez; M.S. Japas; G. Ré, and M. Do Campo. 2013. Geological setting and paleomagnetism of the Eocene red beds of Laguna Brava Formation (Quebrada Santo Domingo, northwestern Argentina). Tectonophysics 583. 105–123. .

Loreto Formation
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Bostelmann, Enrique; Jacobus P. Le Roux; Ana Vasquez; Nestor Gutiérrez; José Luis Oyarzún; Catalina Carreño; Teresa Torres; Rodrigo Otero, and Andrea Llanos, C. Mark Fanning, Sven N. Nielsen and Francisco Hervé. 2012. [[1] A revised lithostratigraphy of the Sierra Baguales, Magallanes Basin], 698–700. XIII Congeso Geológico Chileno. Accessed 2019-02-15.

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Otero, Rodrigo A.; Teresa Torres; Jacobus P. Le Roux; Francisco Hervé; C. Mark Fanning; Roberto E. Yuri Yáñez, and David Rubilar Rogers. 2012. A Late Eocene age proposal for the Loreto Formation (Brunswick Peninsula, southernmost Chile), based on fossil cartilaginous fishes, paleobotany and radiometric evidence. Andean Geology 39. 180–200. Accessed 2019-02-15.

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Sallaberry, M.A.; R.E. Yury Yáñez; R.A. Otero; S. Soto Acuña, and T.G. Torres. 2010. Eocene birds from the western margin of southernmost South America. Journal of Paleontology 84. 1061–1070. Accessed 2019-02-15.

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Torres, T.; H. Meón; R. Otero, and H. Galleguillos. 2009. Palinoflora y macroflora de la Formación Loreto, Punta Arenas, Región de Magallanes, Chile, 1–4. XII Congreso Geológico Chileno. Accessed 2019-02-15.

El Milagro Formation
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Castro Medina, Walter Fidel. 2010. Geología, informe temático. Proyecto Zonificación Ecológica y Económica del departamento de Amazonas, 1–76. Instituto de Investigaciones de la Amazonía Peruana (IIAP). Accessed 2018-09-04.

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Salas, R.; J. Sánchez, and C. Chacaltana. 2006. A new Pre-Deseadan Pyrothere (Mammalia) from northern Peru and the wear facets of molariform teeth of Pyrotheria. Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology 26. 760–769. Accessed 2019-02-15.

Otuma Formation
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De la Cruz, Aldo Alván. 2008. Geología de Ocucaje: aportes en la sedimentología y paleontología de Lomas de Ullujaya (Ica, Perú). Revista del Instituto de Investigaciones FIGMMG 11. 51–59. Accessed 2017-08-15.

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Solís Mundaca, Flavio Alejandro. 2018. Bioestratigrafía e implicancias paleoceanográficas de las diatomeas de la sección Cerro Caucato, Formación Pisco, Ica, Peru (MSc. thesis), 1–158. Universidad Peruana Cayetano Heredia. Accessed 2018-09-10.

Sarmiento Formation
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Acosta Hospitaleche, Carolina, and Claudia Tambussi. 2005. Phorusrhacidae Psilopterinae (Aves) en la Formación Sarmiento de la localidad de Gran Hondonada (Eoceno Superior), Patagonia, Argentina [Phorusrhacidae Psilopterinae (Birds) in the Sarmiento Formation from the Gran Hondonada locality (Upper Eocene), Patagonia, Argentina]. Revista Española de Paleontología 20. 127–132. Accessed 2018-09-10.

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Arnal, Michelle; Alejandro G. Kramarz; M. Guiomar Vucetich, and E. Carolina Vieytes. 2014. A new early Miocene octodontoid rodent (Hystricognathi, Caviomorpha) from Patagonia (Argentina) and a reassessment of the early evolution of Octodontoidea. Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology 34(2). 397–406. Accessed 2019-02-12.

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Cheme Arriaga, Lucas; María Teresa Dozo, and Javier N. Gelfo. 2016. A new Cramaucheniinae (Litopterna, Macraucheniidae) from the early Miocene of Patagonia, Argentina. Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology 36(6). e1229672. Accessed 2019-02-12.

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Dozo, María Teresa; Martín Ciancio; Pablo Bouza, and Gastón Martínez. 2014. Nueva asociación de mamíferos del Paleógeno en el este de la Patagonia (provincia de Chubut, Argentina): implicancias biocronológicas y paleobiogeográficas. Andean Geology 41. 224–247. Accessed 2017-08-15.

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Pérez, María Encarnación; Marcelo Krause, and María Guiomar Vucetich. 2012. A new species of Chubutomys (Rodentia, Hystricognathi) from the late Oligocene of Patagonia and its implications on the early evolutionary history of Cavioidea sensu stricto. Geobios 45(6). 573–580. Accessed 2019-02-15.

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Shockey, Bruce J.; John J. Flynn; Darin A. Croft; Phillip Gans, and André R. Wyss. 2012. New leontiniid Notoungulata (Mammalia) from Chile and Argentina : comparative anatomy, character analysis, and phylogenetic hypotheses. American Museum Novitates 3737. 1–64. Accessed 2019-02-15.

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Sterli, Juliana; Marcelo S. De la Fuente, and J. Marcelo Krause. 2015. A new turtle from the Palaeogene of Patagonia (Argentina) sheds new light on the diversity and evolution of the bizarre clade of horned turtles (Meiolaniidae, Testudinata). Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society 174(3). 519–548. Accessed 2019-02-13.

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Vucetich, M.G.; M.T. Dozo; M. Arnal, and M.E. Pérez. 2015. New rodents (Mammalia) from the late Oligocene of Cabeza Blanca (Chubut) and the first rodent radiation in Patagonia. Historical Biology: An International Journal of Paleobiology 27(2). 236–257. Accessed 2019-02-13.

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Vucetich, María G.; María E. Pérez; Martín R. Ciancio; Alfredo A. Carlini; Richard H. Madden, and Matthew J. Kohn. 2014. A new acaremyid rodent (Caviomorpha, Octodontoidea) from Scarritt Pocket, Deseadan (late Oligocene) of Patagonia (Argentina). Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology 34(3). 689–698. Accessed 2019-02-12.

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Wyss, André R.; John J. Flynn, and Darin A. Croft. 2018. New Paleogene notohippids and leontiniids (Toxodontia; Notoungulata; Mammalia) from the Early Oligocene Tinguiririca Fauna of the Andean Main Range, central Chile. Journal of South American Earth Sciences 3903. 1–42. Accessed 2019-02-11.

Seca Formation
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Lorenzo, Erica et al. 2018. Correlación geoquímica entre crudos y rocas del sistema petrolero de la península de Santa Elena y el golfo de Guayaquil. Boletín de Geología 40. 31–42. Accessed 2018-09-11.

Soncco Formation
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Carlotto, Víctor. 2016. Dataciones por trazas de fisión en los depósitos continentales terciarios de la Región de Cusco, 521–524. XIII Congreso Peruano de Geología. Accessed 2017-08-15.

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  • e
Tinguirirican is located in South America
and sites
  • Luján Formation
  • Ensenada Formation
  • Uquía Formation
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